We all quickly got changed. We couldn’t wait for the fun to start. I didn’t want to play water polo at all. I wanted to go on the diving boards and the water slide. I started out with the diving boards.
I had to wait for the coach to tell me when to go. After she told me it was my turn, I would jump or dive. It didn’t matter. After all, it was fun day. I kept on going and going until I started to get bored. I asked the coach if she could open the water slide. I have to wait for the other coach to come out, she had said. I decided to try diving again. But it was boring. So I went to the shallow end.
I played there for a couple of minutes before I realized I had forgotten to put on my goggles. I put them on and jumped into the shallow water again. But that soon got boring. So I figured that I could try water polo. I came out of the water. Then I saw my goggles were missing. I was puzzled as I had just put them on. Hmmm..As I looked around, I noticed them at the the bottom of the pool. I jumped into the shallow part again and retrieved them. Then I joined the other kids also asking to play water polo.
After a little while, I realized no one was passing the ball to me. Let me just wait a bit more I thought. Suddenly someone passed. I caught the ball. But I threw it in the wrong direction. Someone on my team still caught it but they had to throw it very far to get it where we wanted. No one passed to me after that. I realized they were just passing to the older kids. I decided I didn’t want to play water polo again. I knew we would not get to use the water slide. So I went on the diving boards again.
I pretended I was a dummy by just keeping on walking until I fell of the diving board. I tried it with jumping and running soon. But just as I came back, I saw a long line of people. I stood in the line. End of class the teacher called. But we just kept on diving. I wanted a last dive on the high board.
And that’s what I got. A perfect last dive on the high diving board. Perfect angle, perfect body posture. Perfect everything! So I hadn’t had a bad Fun Day. I had got what I wanted. A perfect dive.