Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to honor all the military people who lost their lives protecting our nation. Memorial Day started when the Civil War ended. At that time, it was called Decoration Day and was on May 30th. On Decoration Day, people would decorate soldiers graves with flowers, notes, and tiny toys. During 1882, people started remembering Decoration Day as Memorial Day. In 1971, Memorial Day was changed to the last Monday in May.

Our family payed respect to the soldiers by walking through a Memorial Day parade. I’m also going to send letters to soldiers. Did you know that you can write letters or emails and send them to organizations who forward them to soldiers deployed in war zones? I’m sending mine to Kids4Troops. Go here for a list of organizations that can connect you with providing help, services, and thanks directly to our soldiers.

Dear Soldier,
      Thank you for risking your life to help our country. We all really appreciate your kindness. We hope all of you are fine. Today on Memorial Day, we are honoring your brave friends who lost their lives serving our country. We pause to remember their contributions and service. They will never be forgotten.


-Writing Girl (WG)

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