Sunday, April 26, 2015


Teamwork is defined as “the combined action of a group of people, especially when it's effective and efficient”. This means that when you work as a team you can deliver better and faster. Well, what if some people on your team aren't at the same level as you or are not willing to contribute? What do you do?

During the 'Bring your Daughter and Son to work' day last week at my mom’s work, I became friends with another third grader I met at the event. My mom works at Audible, which is an audio content creation team at Amazon. One of the really awesome events planned during the day was kids will author a story, and then record it in the professional recording studios at Audible. So kids are the author and the narrator for their story. We could either work solo or as a team.

I and my new friend decided to work together on writing and recording a story. I proposed a story we could write and she was good with that. I started writing the story and she did her own stuff. When I was done, we went to the recording studio. As we were waiting, I started thinking of a perfect recording. I suggested her to read the story I wrote so she can get a rehearsal. I helped her practice the names and pronunciations, and we split the sections we will each narrate.  As we started our professional narration, I had to help her through reading her section and I would whisper and prompt. Eventually it just got frustrating and I corrected her crossly. She made mistakes on how to pronounce some of the names. The recording was definitely not perfect. When we finished recording, I acted happy. But inside I felt like I could cry. For rest of the day, I stayed away from her and if I was near her, I hardly talked. At times I forgot about it and we had fun together. At the end of my day, we got a DVD with our narrated story. I didn't want my mom or anyone to hear it so I  threw it in the trash bin. My mom picked it up after me. She knew how I felt.

So how do you solve the problem of not having people as good as you on your team or if they are not motivated to contribute? You bring them up with you, let them do the same things as you, so they will get a chance to learn new skills. Don’t just throw people off the team because they aren't as good as you. If you have the problem that people don’t want to contribute, you engage with them directly and ask for their input. You can also ask them for what role they would like on the team. Make them happy. Put them in your shoes, and put yourself in their shoes. If the person just doesn’t want to do any role, than means that person is unfit for the team and it's a different situation. I realized that I had done the right thing by working with my friend on rehearsal and whispering to her when she was stuck even when it meant that my recording was less than perfect. One thing I could have done better when writing the story was ask her for input in the story and engage with her more. Engaging directly and personally can inspire team members who are quiet to contribute.

Having reflected upon the situation, I was happy that I partnered with her and made a new friend. I am proud of our narration together! Here is a link to our narrated story (coming soon).


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