Monday, April 6, 2015

A Trip to the Restless City

The second day of my cousins visit, the grown-ups decided to go on a trip to New York City. They said we were spending too much time inside the house.

In New York City we had planned to see the Empire State building and go to the top. When my mom said we had to have buddies, I became buddies with my younger cousin and brother. We walked for a long time and finally reached Ground Zero which is a somber memorial for the innocent people who lost their lives during the attack on Twin Towers in 2001. There was a deep water fall inside another deep water fall and on the periphery of the squared waterfall were the names of people who lost their life. There were two such  memorials to represent the two towers.

I grabbed my dad a guidebook and kept on walking with my buddies. We stopped to take a few pictures, and came by a beat up statue which I later learned from my dad was an artwork of a popular artist. I was embarrassed.

We wanted to take a trip on a ferry to see different monuments, especially the Statue Of Liberty, but alas, the last ferry for the day had left. When we came across people who would make caricatures for $5 a person, my brother, my cousins, my aunt, my uncle and me got our caricatures. Mine pictured me as the Statue Of Liberty. The paper it was made on was so thin, that it almost flew away so we got put it in a cardboard frame which was $20. I thought the frame was a rip-off.

Then we saw people taking pictures with a statue of what looked like a buffalo. My dad put me on top of the statue and I got my picture taken. I later learned that it was constructed to celebrate the spirit of America and New York where everybody could come no matter their genesis or position. Arturo Di Modica decided to make this structure and it took him more than two years! It is the statue of a Bull made of bronze and ended up weighing over three and a half tons! At 18 feet height, Arturo and a couple of friends concluded on dropping this massive figure in front of the New York Stock Exchange. When the time came, the crew saw that a big Christmas tree had been installed. They ended up putting the bull under the Christmas tree as a enormous gift to New York City and the world. In the morning the mysterious creature was famous all around the world. No one had known where it came from. It was called The Charging Bull. To learn more about the Charging Bull, go here.

This day was special because of my cousin’s company, a trip to NYC, and also it was my dad’s birthday. We ate dinner and celebrated my dad’s birthday at a Thai restaurant near Empire State building. I thought the food was delicious but my brother thought it was pretty lousy. He went to a roadside pizza shop to eat pizza instead. One of my cousins got a pack of tic-tacs and gave one to me.

We traveled to Time Square and found a screen that took pictures of the people in front of it. We then had some fun with that.

When it was time to go home, my dad promised us a movie if it was not late and if none of us slept through the drive back home. Three of the children; me, my brother and my youngest cousin worked hard to accomplish that. However, when we got home it was 3.00 AM and my brother was asleep. We went to bed hoping for a movie another day.

These are some of my pictures from NYC.

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