Thursday, February 4, 2016

Maybe a Typical Day

It was a sunny day yesterday. When I came back from school, I saw a plastic bag. I tried to make it fly, and at last it flew really high. I went inside to finish practicing my piano and to get ready for my swimming class. When my mom arrived, I ate my sweet potatoes and hurried outside to fly my bag again while my brother finished his sweet potatoes. Right when it was time to leave for swimming, my bag flew over 3 rooftops and landed in a bush. Wow, I said to myself. I went into the car and waited as my brother was dropped off for basketball class. I arrived just as my swimming class was starting. Everyone swam 6 laps of every stroke. When we finished, it was time to dive. I first did a racing dive, then a original dive, last but not least, a pencil jump. That jump blasted me to the bottom of the ten feet deep pool. I hopped into the changing room, took a shower and changed into my clothes. My mom and I then went to the grocery store to pick up food. Then we picked up my brother from basketball class and went home.

Yeah, What's Your Typical Day??

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