For explaining the plot structure, I will explain the setting of the quote, where the quote is located in the book, and the characters in the setting.
Passage 1
“Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.”
1. The setting of this quote is on the banks from where the skiff was hauled up. This quote is found at the beginning of the story and after the old man was described. The characters are the old man and the boy he taught to fish. This passage is important to the story. The characters are the old man and the boy he taught to fish. This passage is important to the story, because it shows that even an old man has some cheerfulness in him. Also, it builds over why the old man never gives up. It shows as well why the old man always gets destroyed but never defeated. He keeps on trying and staying calm because he has the spirit and he is always cheerful. This is why the passage is important to the story.
Passage 2
“Fish,” he said, “ I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends.”
2. The setting of this quote is in his boat which is on the sea. At the moment the old man is lost in the sea. This quote is found in the middle of the story and after the sun had risen higher in the sky. The characters are the old man and the huge marlin on his line. This passage is important to the story because it shows that he respects everything but he will also do anything to accomplish his goals. It also shows how much honor he has because he talks to the fish. A person who had his honor for everything but didn’t have that much would have probably just thought what the old man said. Finally, it is important because it shows how the old man sets goals. This is why the passage is important to the story.
Passage 3
“Then the fish came alive with his death in him and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty.”
3. The setting of this quote is once again on the sea, getting even more lost and getting pulled by the marlin. This quote is found towards the end of the book and after the old man shoves the harpoon into the fish to kill it. The characters are the old man, the marlin and two fish swimming next to the marlin. This passage is important because it represents all the old man’s goals and dreams. In this passage, it specifically shows how the sea is beautiful and full of all types of power. It shows how the sea can be small as in one fish and the sea can be big as in thousands of fish. This is why the passage is important to the story.
Passage 4
“The shark closed fast astern and when he hit the fish the old man saw his mouth open and his strange eyes and the clicking chop of the teeth as he drove forward in the meat just above the tail.”
4. The setting of this quote is still on his boat, in the sea getting still pulled by the marlin as the sky gets darker. This quote is found almost at the end of the story and after the old man sees the shark. The characters are the old man, the marlin, and the shark which is eating the marlin. This passage is important because the shark represents everything that is destructive. It is a symbol to stop the old man from achieving his goals. Even when he loses the fish he was trying to catch to the shark, he doesn’t get scared because he believes that the sea is beautiful. It mainly shows how the sea can be cruel; stealing a position that took a long time for the old man to get to. This is why the passage is important to the story.
Passage 5
“He pulled the blanket over his shoulders and then over his and then over his back and legs and he slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up.”
5. The setting of this quote is on the old man’s bed in his house. This quote is found at the end of the story and after the old man sails back to his home. The character is only the old man. As you can see, in this part of the story the old man is alone because everyone else has gone to sleep. This passage is important to the story because it shows how the old man stays very calm and is always relaxed. Most people after a journey like that, would come back home and cheer loudly because they made it back. Finally, it is important because it shows how simple the old man is. This is why the passage is important to the story.
Lesson learned from this story
People shouldn’t depend on luck. I got this from the old man never thinking luck would get him a fish. He knew he would have to do the hard work to get the fish himself. Other fisherman might have depended on luck and blamed not getting fish to unluckiness. However, instead of hoping for luck, the old man focuses on believing in his ability because he knows it isn’t unluckiness that stops a person from a getting a fish.
Writing Girl(WG)
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