Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Snow Forts

Snow Forts
Get lost in them
And a moat on back and front
There are many ways
To have fun in snow
Work hard and
Build a place
Where you can stay
Until spring
When your fort melts away
Then go home
And play

Writing Girl(WG)

Monday, March 14, 2016


Jasmine was walking through the door of her new house. She thought it was plain and boring. Tomorrow would be her birthday and she thought it wouldn’t be fun. Jasmine went inside her house and walked to her room to do homework. Suddenly the stairs parted and Jasmine fell into a big gap. She landed on a grassy forest floor. Dragons were everywhere. One with a broken wing ran up and attacked her. It ran away quickly after that. Another dragon came along and this time Jasmine jumped on its bag and threw some fish she had in her pocket into the air. The dragon flew after it. Quickly Jasmine became friends with the dragon. To her surprise, Jasmine realized the dragon could talk. She learned its name was HateFury. Every day, Jasmine spent most of her time with her dragon. But too soon Jasmine and HateFury encountered the human land… and now what were they supposed to do??

Jasmine's Spooky New House

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Set Fire to the Rain

When the ocean is blue and gray
Down comes the rain
When the earth is white with snow
Down comes the rain
When you are coated with happiness
Down comes the rain
When the bark on the trees is golden
Down comes the rain
When light is the whitest bright
Down comes the rain

When fire falls
When fire falls
When fire falls from the sky
Set fire
Set fire
Set fire to the rain

Writing Girl(WG)

Beautiful... or Dangerous?