Sunday, June 12, 2016

A very Sad Incident

     Once upon a time, long, long, ago, in the world there were only 20 foxes, 2 beaches, 3 classrooms, 4 horses, 5 llamas, 8o windows, 4 lamps, 82 trees, 4 plates, 2 pencils, 8 spiders, 3 pigs, 2 flies, 8 turkies, 23 bushes, 20 mice, 3 rulers, 4 birds, 2 books and 33 boys. These things were all in the wild.
     Now you can see, there were very less of these things in the wild. The rest were inside houses. Yes, people had beaches inside houses and all these crazy animals. Everything was perfect, except for the one day when it got crazy.
     This day started as a regular day. The animals inside the houses were all calm. Then a mouse threw a piece of cheese at a cat. The cat threw the cheese onto a wolf. The wolf threw the cheese at a fox. And so it went on. More food getting thrown into the fight. The food fight.
     Soon, all the animals went crazy, throwing food all over the place. Eventually, the fight grew into other homes. The animals attacked the humans, not purposefully though. They were trying to avoid the food.
     The humans, trying to save themselves from the animals, attacked everything in their sight. So that day, 1,000 humans died. So did 8,000 animals. Now the humans had learned a huge lesson. They never let animals in their homes anymore.
      And for the animals..., well you can say they never recovered from this incident. Now if a human ever meets an animal..., no wonder the animals try to attack! This is the end of the very sad tale of the humans and the animals.

How it was in those times...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Just a Summer Day

One day I was walking to the park in the summer. Like usual, I walked barefoot. It was my favorite thing of all thing to walk barefoot in summer. I liked how my feet always felt whatever was on the path to the park. Since I walked across the road on the way to the park, I always felt like my feet were enjoying life more without my shoes. I was just strolling across the sidewalk when I saw the strangest thing in the whole entire world!
A dog and a cat sitting in the same tree! The cat was two branches higher than the dog and was hissing at it with a mean look in its eyes. I almost exploded laughing when I saw the cat start throwing acorns at the dog! It looked like the animals would get into a fight. Just to stop them, I scrambled up the tree to where the creatures were fighting. Suddenly, I stepped between them and the animals just froze. I think they were pretty surprised to find a human on a tree. I thought I was about to stop the animals from fighting, but then they both tried to throw stuff at me! What was I supposed to do?
I thought I was doomed until I had an idea. What if I took one of the animals down from the tree so the other couldn’t fight it?. For some reason though, I had thoughts against doing that. What if these animals had owners? Then I would be stealing a loving animal from someone. Then I had a different idea. What if I stopped one of the cars on the road and asked the person inside if I could borrow their phone. I think I thought that it would be a bad idea because it was strange to stop a car on the road. Also, it would be a bad idea because people wouldn’t be happy if I went and called the police to get some animals down from trees.
Then I think I had the best idea of all ideas. I could just run home and get a phone from my house. Then I could climb up the tree and call the police pretending that I was stuck in a tree when I was trying to rescue a dog and a cat in the tree. The only issue was that I wasn’t stuck in the tree. I could easily climb down. Now I must tell you who I really am. I am the master tree climber of my whole school. I could climb up any tree and get to its top in about 1 minute. I wasn’t scared of any heights at all. I was the best at anything involved even the teeniest bit in climbing. I could climb up any wall just by sticking my hands on it and moving up. Anyways, back to my idea. I knew I had to get these animals down so I decided just to go with the best of all my plans.
I ran home and got a phone. Then I ran back to the tree but the animals were gone! I looked at the texture of the tree and finally realized I was at the wrong tree. I ran fast to get to the right tree but suddenly I saw the animals stuck in the tree right in front of me. How did they get out, I thought? I had bigger issues to worry about though. The two animals were attacking me! I ran to the park the dog and the cat chasing me the whole way. When it had finally seemed I lost them, I sat down on the nearest bench and started relaxing. But suddenly both animals jumped out of the bush and I was being chased again. I ran through the park, and when I finally lost them for real; I sat down on a bench and relaxed for 10 minutes. Then I ran home and into my room. I turned on the AC.

What an adventure I’d had!

Writing Girl(WG)

Dog and Cat In a tree!!