Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I am nature

I am a green tree
with a hundred thousand leaves
A bird with ten wings
An ant with beautiful
Beetle-like colors
A leaf with every single
detail in the universe
A meteorite falling to
Earth as quickly as
Grass being stepped on
A worm digging an
eighty-mile long tunnel
A plant growing long
And free under shade
An unknown beast
Gracefully flying
Throughout the world
Inside me
I am nature

Writing Girl(WG)

Just me(Nature)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Three Wishes

I wish to live forever
Riding on a dragon
Flying up into space
laughing at a wagon

I wish to go to Antarctica
To see a polar bear
Take a penguin egg
And leave in mid air

I wish to climb a mountain
One that laughs and talks
It’ll be as high as high can be
So I can look at the world
From the top
And once more see the sea

Writing Girl(WG)  

Yes, Make a Wish!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Something Magical

It’s here
It’s there
It’s where?
Just where?
It’s everywhere!

At first
you don’t know
Then you hear
A mythical tapping
right near

Then you look
As the light
Grows bright
And you see
In the night
A trove of rocks
Blocking the path
Amazing but gray
They lure you in
You want to stay

Then the magic
Ends and you
try to leave
But close your
Eyes and gone
Is the land

You see only
The sea and
Brown sand
But you know
You’re in a dream
So you try to leave
But you can’t go
So you stay
And follow the path
That leads the
To home.
To home. 
To home.

Writing Girl(WG)

Totally MAGIC!!